Lucky fan meets Chris Martin and gets a ride from the singer to Coldplay concert

Chris Martin poses alongside fan Sandra Glenn. Photo: Reproduction Twitter | X @officialSaundra Chris Martin poses alongside fan Sandra Glenn. Photo: Reproduction Twitter | X @officialSaundra

Sandra Glenn, a Coldplay fan, revealed that Chris Martin noticed she was struggling to walk, asked to stop the car, and offered her a ride to the concert

Ready to attend the Coldplay concert, 64-year-old Sandra Glenn was having trouble reaching the entrance of the accessibility ticket booth at the stadium in Luton, England.

What she didn’t expect was to meet the band’s lead singer on the way: Chris Martin. And that’s not all, in addition to this surprising encounter, she revealed on social media that the singer saw her and asked to stop the car to offer her a ride.

“That moment when Chris Martin saw me struggling to walk, asked to stop, and gave me a ride. I can’t believe this happened. What a decent guy…,” Sandra revealed on her personal Twitter/X account.

Additionally, the fan also revealed some interesting facts about their encounter, as she spoke with Chris Martin. According to her account, the singer is single, very kind, and supports the British football team Luton.

In addition to the happy tale, Sandra also shared a photo of the encounter with her idol.

+ Click here to see Sandra Glenn’s post

Source: F5 | Folha | UOL

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